Monday, August 3, 2015

Story Times, Book Clubs, Concerts & More at MPL's Lake Branch

Kids use plastic bottles to blow bubbles during story time at MPL's Mentor-on-the-Lake Branch.
Summer Reading may have concluded but that doesn't mean the fun is finished.

In fact, just this week at our Mentor-on-the-Lake Branch, we're hosting story times, book clubs for teens and adults, crafts and a concert!

Kids—from six months to five years old, along with their families—can join us for a Fairy Tales Rhyme Time at 10:30 a.m. this Tuesday. We'll have stories, songs and crafts—all with a Fairy Tale theme.
Travelin' Man Band will perform a free concert at our Lake Branch Wednesday evening.
On Wednesday, Lake Branch will host both its monthly book club and a free concert from the Travelin' Man Band.

The concert begins at 6:30 p.m. and is open to everyone

Travelin' Man Band perform hits from the 1950’s, 60’s and 70’s—from Buddy Holly to Bob Dylan, the Beatles to Chuck Berry. So if you’re eager for some Eagles and ready for some Redding, they’ve got the tunes for you.

Then, on Friday, kids can craft some cool kites with us. We'll even fly them in our yard when we're finished.

Finally, on Saturday, our Teen Book Club will meet to talk about "Every Day" by David Levithan.

Teens can pick up a copy from our Lake Branch and join the conversation Saturday.

To see more programs and events at Mentor Library, visit our online calendar.

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