Someone is celebrating a Seuss-pendous birthday soon, and Mentor Public Library is ready to party.
On Monday, March 2, all three branches of Mentor Library will commemorate Dr. Seuss’s birthday with story times, crafts, special programs and, of course, cake.
The party will go all day at the library’s Main Branch. Kids can play a Fox in Socks-themed matching game, make a photographic birthday card for Seuss, and make a hot air balloon (just like in Oh, the Places You’ll Go.)
And there will be cake while it lasts.
Meanwhile, at the Mentor-on-the-Lake Branch, the library will host a special story time for children four years and older at 4 p.m. Kids will listen to classic Seuss stories and make a Fox in Socks bag puppet.
Then, the Mentor Headlands Library Branch will have a birthday party for the good doctor at 6:30 p.m. There will be games, cake and Seuss books.
Later in the day, kids can stage their own version of the Seuss classic Green Eggs & Ham. David Malinowski of the Fine Arts Association will teach kids—ages three to seven—basic theater techniques with the Page to Stage program at 6:30 p.m. at Mentor Library’s Main Branch.
Mentor Library isn’t alone in celebrating Seuss. Schools and libraries across the country remember the man and his stories as part of the annual event, Read Across America. The National Education Association started it in 1998 to honor Seuss and revel in the joy of reading.
Each year, Read Across America is scheduled to coincide with Dr. Seuss’s birthday on March 2.
For more information on Mentor Public Library’s many Seuss-themed events, you can visit our event calendar.
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