Patricia Saddle, the president of the
College Planning Center, visited the Mentor Public Library to help us kick off our College Prep Series.
She offered teens and parents advice on how to make their college applications stand out, find financial aid, and do almost anything else involved in the college search.
She also gave the six worst reasons to choose a college or university.
Patricia Saddle talks about selecting colleges at the Mentor Public Library. |
Your friends are going there.
This is also true for "your boyfriend/girlfriend is going there."
Listen, the college that's right for your friend/significant other/twin sibling isn't necessarily right for you. Your college of choice should be compatible with you socially, financially and academically.
Of course, you might have a friend or two going to your first choice; but a college shouldn't be your first choice just because you have a friend or two going there.
You'll make other friends at college. Besides, you can always keep in touch with your old ones via Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/texting/actually seeing each other on break.
You can go home when you want to.
There's nothing wrong with wanting to go home on occasion, but part of the point of college is leaving the nest, Saddle said.
It's got a great football team.
Your college's football team probably won't make your resume look any better. This rule applies to a college's baseball, volleyball, floor hockey and curling teams, as well.
And you can probably catch your team of choice's game on ESPN∞ anyhow.
Exception to this rule: If you will be playing on said team, it's reasonable to consider how good it is.
The admissions counselor was really helpful.
The admissions counselor is supposed to be helpful. It is their job.
The campus is beautiful.
OK, not all campuses are equal; but if you catch any campus on the right day in the right light at the right angle, it will look lovely.
That is not a reason to spend $80,000 and the next four years of your life there.
It's a great party school.
Yes, you do need to be socially compatible with your prospective college.
Yes, you should go somewhere you feel like you will make friends.
No, that doesn't mean you should go to a college just because it hosts an awesome streetfest or is very accommodating to binge drinkers.
Our college prep series continues at 6:30 p.m. today at our Main Branch. A representative for LEAF will talk about financial aid and how to get scholarships, grants and loans.
You can register for the program on the library's website or by calling (440) 255-8811 ext. 215.